Liposomal Vitamin C: Fat Soluble Advanced Absorption

There’s no doubt that vitamin C is essential to every human’s diet. Not to mention the many studies that support its powerful immune boosting, anti-aging, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-pathogenic, and anti-toxin super powers. We as humans are also one of the few species that don’t produce our own supply of vitamin C. This means it is essential to consume vitamin C in our diet via food or supplements. Until recently, this nutrient has only been water-soluble. Thanks to science and nature working together (finally), there is now an advanced and more powerful supplement called Liposomal Vitamin C Complex.

In this article you’ll read about the difference between water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, and how liposomal vitamin C is changing the way our bodies benefit from this nutrient powerhouse.  

Photo of man behind a mound of oranges.

Water-soluble vs Fat-soluble Vitamins 

To make it simple, a water-soluble vitamin is one that dissolves in water. It is metabolized more quickly in our bodies and we get rid of any excess through our urine. This is common in vitamin B complex or vitamin C tablets. 


Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in fat. These vitamins are absorbed by fat within the body, which are then carried throughout the bloodstream. Unlike water-soluble vitamins, any excess of fat-soluble vitamins doesn’t leave the body immediately. Instead they are stored in the liver or fatty tissue for later use.  

Liposomal Vitamin C Benefits

1. Bioavailability

On average, the body only absorbs 14-30% of vitamin C when taken via most supplements (1). However, Liposomal vitamin C increases absorption by catching active ingredients inside something called liposomes (2). The tiny liposomes consist of bi-layers of phospholipid molecules, which are similar to our own cell membranes. This allows the vitamin C to deliver directly to your cells. This delivery method protects vitamin C from oxidation and insures almost 100% availability! 

 2. Immune System Health

Many processes in your immune system require vitamin C to function at ideal levels. This gift of nature supports antibodies and white blood cells, which protect our bodies from infections.

3. Collagen Production

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies; however, its production slows around the age of 25. Collagen production requires Vitamin C, so taking it in supplement form may result in firmer skin and healthier joints. This is especially important for women because men have a higher collagen density than women. This is why many women show earlier signs of aging (bummer!) 

Photo of three mandarin oranges still on the branch sitting on a table.

Additional Health Benefits

4. Helps Prevent Iron Deficiency

Vitamin C supplements can help improve the absorption of iron from your diet. Vitamin C can convert poorly absorbed iron (such as from plant-based sources of iron) in to a form that is easier to absorb. This can be important for those who enjoy a vegetarian or vegan diet.  

5. Heart Health

Vitamin C intake may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease by 25% (3). This may be important to consider since heart disease is the leading cause of death among men and women in the United States (4). 

6. Brain Health and Memory

High vitamin C intake from food or supplements has shown to protect thinking and memory as we age (5, 6). Low levels of this vitamin are linked to an impaired ability to think and remember.  

The Takeaway

In conclusion, whether you are concerned about your body’s inability to absorb vitamin C, or if you are looking for an extra boost to your health, you may want to consider taking Liposomal Vitamin C. Izee Native is a trusted supplement brand that uses a phospholipid complex from non-GMO sunflower oil and lecithin- a great natural way to get the most out of nature’s gifts! 

Photo of pill bottle labeled liposonal vitamin C and gel cap.